
澳门黄金城赌城受托人批准预算, welcome new president

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按此放大,  The 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 Board of Trustees met for its fall meeting 10月. 22岁在大学’s哈内特县校园在利灵顿. 该学院为查塔姆服务, Harnett and Lee counties and each of the counties is represented on the board. 2008-09年度董事会成员(前排, 从左起)简·海耶斯, of Lee County; SGA Student Representative Annick Joseph, of Wake County; Chairman L.W. 鲍威尔(鲍比), of Lee County; Vice Chairman Patrick Barnes, of Chatham County; and John Daniel III, of Lee County; (second row, 从左起)埃德·加里森, of Lee County; Dr. Tracy Hanner, of Chatham County; and Frances Warner, R.V. 嗨,道格拉斯·H. 威尔金森小., and Julian Philpott, all of Lee County; (third row, from left) L. Frank Stewart, of Harnett County; John T. Bonardi小., of Lee County; Clem Medley, of Harnett County; William T. 威尔逊小., of Lee County; Tim McNeill, of Harnett County; Tony G. Lett和澳门黄金城赌城总裁T. 李县的埃斯顿·马尚三世. Marchant was attending his first board meeting as president. He officially took over from former president Dr. Matt Garrett在八月. 15. 博纳尔迪是今年的新董事. The Lee County Board of Commissioners has reappointed Garrison for another four-year term and Gov. Mike Easley has reappointed Powell for another four-year term.


The 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 Board of Trustees met for its fall meeting 10月. 22岁,在大学 ... (更多)

10.30.2008管理员、教师 & 工作人员财务状况

LILLINGTON — 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 is feeling the impact of the tight state budget as the state demands a reversion — give back — of part of the college’s 2008-09 funding appropriation.

Reversions have been a fact of life for state-funded institutions for years, 但今年的冲击尤其严重. According to Wayne Robinson, Central Carolina C.C.行政服务副总裁, the state’s fiscal year 2008-09 appropriation to the college of $28.8 million is only a few hundred more dollars than last year’s appropriation.

In spite of that, the state is requiring a 2 percent reversion, a return of $490,000. The college expects the state to require an additional 1 percent reversion as early as November of this year. 随着回归, the state funding has decreased even as the student population has grown by about 6 percent.

The college also receives funding from Chatham, Harnett and Lee counties, which it serves. For the 2008-09 fiscal year, it will receive a total of about $3.300万美元.

The board approved the budget reversion to the state. 金额的多少, $250,000 will come from curriculum instruction funds; $198,000 from non-instructional; and $42,一般行政管理.

“尽管有倒退, the trustees made it clear that we will do whatever it takes to maintain the quality and integrity of our programs,大学校长. 埃斯顿·马尚三世在会后说.

10月. 22 was Marchant’s first trustees’ meeting since assuming the presidency of the college on Aug. 15. 理事们对他表示欢迎.

“We are very pleased to have you as our new president,鲍比·鲍威尔, 董事会主席, 对马尔尚说. “Everyone has been very complimentary of our choice.”

In response, Marchant said, “I am thrilled to be here and I am looking forward to working with you. 在我和你的面试中, you told me that the college was a wonderful place to work with great employees and that this area is a great place to live. You did not tell me how universally loved and appreciated this college is in this area. I haven’t been any place since assuming the presidency where the college hasn’t come in for praise, and I give you trustees credit for this direction.”

Among the business at the meeting were the following items:

  • Distribution of copies of the college’s recently completed Facility Master Plan, 显示服务区域内的设施需求.
  • Board approval to terminate the community journalism program due to low enrollment.
  • 30美元的收据,000 Minority Male Mentoring grant from the North Carolina 社区 大学 System to improve the academic success, attendance and graduation rates of minority males.
  • Report on the college’s offering distance education courses to high school students through the “Learn and Earn” program. 这些课程对学生免费.
  • Introduction of Annick Joseph, of Raleigh, the new SGA representative to the board. She is a broadcast and university transfer student from Raleigh.
  • An update on the college’s physical facilities:
    • Approval by the board of a purchase option agreement for the college’s Telephony Building on Tiffany Drive, 在桑福德. Wise Developments has offered $330,000 for the building and approximately one acre of property. 该选择权的有效期至明年1月10日. 31, 2009. The Telephony Building housed the college’s telecommunications program from 1971 to 2004, 当学院是N.C. School of Telecommunications opened in the Lee County Industrial Park.
    • Construction is temporarily on hold for the new classroom building and joint Chatham County-college library on the Chatham Campus. The problems in the national credit markets prevented Chatham from finding buyers for the bonds to finance them.
    • Open House and ribbon cutting for the new West Harnett Center takes place 2 p.m.-4 p.m. 星期天,11月. 23号,中心,橄榄农场路145号. The Center is located in the Western Harnett Industrial Park on Highway 87, south of Sanford.
    • Additions to the Emergency 服务 Training Center are 96 percent complete. They include a classroom building, training tower, and a burn building.
    • A temporary gravel parking lot with about 100 spaces will be added on the east side of Kelly Drive, 在威尔金森大厅对面, 在李县校园.

董事会冬季会议将于2月6日举行. 2009年11月11日,在李县校园.